by One CommunityUSA | Dec 1, 2020 | Media, Pathways to H.O.P.E
The One CommunityUSA™ Pathways to Hope℠ Reentry & Diversion Program Pathways to Hope Reentry & Diversion Program helps prepare incarcerated civilian & military veterans reenter the workforce & become productive members in their families &...
by One CommunityUSA | Sep 17, 2020 | Media
Originally posted on – the Conexion San...
by One CommunityUSA | Jun 24, 2020 | Media
An interview with Toni Brinker, founder of Operation Blue Shield/One Community USA By John Zmirak Published on June 24, 2020 Given the violence that has erupted across America in the wake of the George Floyd killing, The Stream’s John Zmirak interviewed Toni Brinker....
by One CommunityUSA | Jan 30, 2020 | Media
The sacred fabric of a country is defined by its people and how they treat one another. Citizens, first responders and community leaders working together toward a common goal to create a better world is key to building safe and vibrant neighborhoods. The solution...
by Ian Feuer | Jun 29, 2019 | Media
One Community – Unity Through Sports Program is a way to connect with our citizens and first responders and celebrate our country while watching America’s favorite pastime… baseball. Kids from across North Texas came to celebrate their superheroes and...
by Ian Feuer | Jul 30, 2016 | Media, Uncategorized
Toni Brinker shares her vision for improving communication and understanding between law enforcement, first responders and the community. Watch the full interview HERE