Meet Our Leadership.

Ian Feuer
President & CEO

Brad Deason
Shop Talk

Detective Jon Plunkett
Associate Director
Shop Talk

Tomas Cruz
1SG (R) Army
Pathways to H.O.P.E.

Steve Oliphant
Manager | Dallas County
Pathways to H.O.P.E.
In Memory

Toni Brinker
Founder, One CommunityUSA
One CommunityUSA Board of Directors
Alan Dorantes (Secretary|Treasurer)
Sr. Corporate Council, T-Mobile
Tricia Medrano Bridges
CEO, Chiapas International (Ret.)
Non-Profit Consultant
Chief Paul Cell
Executive Director of IACLEA
The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
Candice Hicks-Coleman
Chief of Staff, Dallas Mavericks
Lauren Davis
Co-Founder, The Gent’s Place
Matt Desarno
FBI Senior Executive (Ret.)
Verfico Technology, Inc.
Todd G. Lamb
Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma (Former)
President University of Central Oklahoma
Albert Martinez
Chief of Police, Dallas Independent School District
Greg McAllister, Esq.
Partner, Iacuone McAllister Potter PLLC
Annette Underwood
Chief Diversity Officer, Vistra Corporation
Andy Walsh
Community Advocate
Brad White
President, AK Donors
One CommunityUSA Advisory Board
Hon. William A. Chatfield
Government Relations
Alan Dorantes
Sr. Corporate Council, T-Mobile
Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata
Rector, Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church
Jim Hughes
Director, North Texas Crime Commission
Eric K. Jackson
FBI Senior Executive (Ret.)
Michael Konradi
CMO, Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic
Todd Lamb
Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma (Former)
Kevin Lee
Motivational Speaker
Jamie Malakoff
U.S. Army Ranger Association
Liffort Hobley
President, NFL Alumni Association, Dallas Chapter
Jill Malouf
Partner, Clark, Malouf & White, LLP
Jon Meyers
Founder, CEO & CFO, MBL Title
Sterling O’Donnell
Community Advocate
Carlos Gonzalez Pena
Founder & Principal, Pena Search
Carol Seay
Community Volunteer & Philanthropist
Jeff Spivey
Caruth Police Institute
Greg Whiteman
Partner, Trinity Express
Judge Brandon Birmingham
292nd Judicial District Court
Abigail Erickson-Torres
President & CEO Frontiers of Flight Museum
Johnny Jaquess
Collin County Asst. Chief Deputy President, Texas Jail Association
Pathways To H.O.P.E. Program Advisory Board
(Helping Offenders Pursue Excellence)
Jeanine M. Galusha, PhD(Chair)
Armando Banchs
Jim Buffington
Andrea Burnside, Ed.D.
Kenneth Dekleva
Andre Howard
Hon. Roy Kurban
Tony Milburn
Cobi Tittle
Shop Talk Program Advisory Board
Pastor Rayford Butler
Tangela Carter
Maria Ethetton
Heather Foster
Tony Grimes
Pastor Jorge Martinez

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