‘Shop Talk Renovation Grant’ can be a game changer for our small businesses owners. Mitchell’s Beauty and Barber Salon, who has been a long time community advocate/partner with Shop Talk and the Irving Police Department, just received of our 2021 Shop Talk Renovation Award. See how this grant changed a 31 year old business!

(Helping Offenders Pursue Excellence) “The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” – DeAnn Hollis Pathways to H.O.P.E. is committed to the mentorship of justice-involved individuals through our 18-month Vocational and Leadership program. Our mentors are military veterans, first responders, church leaders, civic leaders and so many more.
UNA Comunidad
It takes everyone working together to make a better world. UNA Comunidad improves communication and building trust between the Latino community, law enforcement and first responder agencies. Through education and empowerment, the dynamics of the program lead to constructive dialogue, changes in attitudes, improved quality of life and safe, secure neighborhoods.